Centralized LOGIN

Rebuilding InkSoft's login experience from the ground up.


With 3 different user types, over 5,000 licenses and 13,000 active stores there is a pressing need to create a new login experience. The existing flow of login can be very difficult for users and admins alike. The primary solution here, is to rebuild the login experience from the ground up starting with a single login page where every user type will begin when interacting with InkSoft stores.

Behavioral Goals

When this has been resolved successfully, any user – admin or subscriber, should be able to login once to gain access to any of their associated stores.


Administrators, end-users and support staff at InkSoft

Existing Solution

Currently, any end-users and non support Admins need to know the exact URL of their store, and click login to gain access.

Support staff can login to any store, but they will need to use a very basic (non-boolean) search tool to find the store they need to access, and then potentially Login to that store as well.

Pain Points

End-users (customers), often have trouble finding the correct store (especially if they were given the wrong link or if the link changed). This leads to them landing on the main InkSoft stores page. Seeing the logo for InkSoft, they reach out to the support line thinking that they’ve reached the shop owner. InkSoft Support, then has to piece together details to figure out what store they are trying to find, and then send the customer the correct link. Ideally InkSoft support would NEVER speak to end-users. Interacting with them puts support in a position to potentially disclose information about the store that was intended to stay private.

Administrators, can run into a frustrating situation when they are trying to access a substore. Each license can build up to 100 stores before upgrades. They begin with a basic store that acts as their main store. They can login through this store or through any of their substores. However, if the store’s name was changed they may have trouble finding it. More recently, their has been a phenomenon where they login through their main store and still have to login to the substore.

Support Admins frustrations begin with trying to find the right store to work with when trying to assist a customer. Although their are many frustrations, here are some of the blocks they can run into when trying to quickly assist a customer via call, chat or email:

Can’t find the correct store via search- this can be a customer giving the wrong name, or having a unique spelling for their store

Needing to access a store that they worked with earlier, but outside of browser history there is no “recent stores” function

When working with a store that they’ve never visited before, they may have to gain access, by logging directly into the main store, going to the settings and establishing their account for the specific store. This requires filling in information and can take 3-5 mins– valuable support time.


Single Login page that can place the customer at a dashboard as soon as they login.

Minimal branding, since this faces our customers’ customers.